Letting us know what you think
We’re always keen to hear your views and welcome any feedback you’d like to give us.
If something’s worked really well for you, or you’d like to give a ‘mention in dispatches’ to a member of our team, please let us know, it helps us keep doing things right. You can simply tell your Estate or Site Manager, or contact us:
Write to ELM Group, 4 Archipelago, Lyon Way, Frimley, Surrey, GU16 7ER
Email us at customerservices@elmgroup.org.uk
Telephone on 01252 356000
How we manage complaints
We hope it never happens, but if you’re unhappy about something, please talk to a member of staff; very often, it’s a simple misunderstanding that can easily be put right. If you’re unhappy with any aspect of our service we’d prefer that you tell us so that we have the opportunity to put things right, learn from our mistakes and take steps to stop it happening again.
Of course, we understand that at times making the complaint ‘official’ will be the most appropriate action; we have a formal process for dealing with complaints, designed to sort things out quickly and efficiently, with the least possible disruption and distress to everyone concerned.
If you decide to register an official complaint, we recommend putting something in writing to us, but you can make a complaint in any way you like, either by letter, email or telephone call.
Write to ELM Group, 4 Archipelago, Lyon Way, Frimley, Surrey, GU16 7ER
Email us at customerservices@elmgroup.org.uk
Telephone on 01252 356000
We’ll apply a ‘one touch complaint review’ to draw matters to a swift conclusion – so behind the scenes we’ll investigate fully, involving all relevant members of the team from the outset and communicate our decision within a specified timescale.
You can read our full complaints policy for RLHA customers here.
You can read our full complaints policy for ELM customers here.
RLHA Annual Complaints Performance and Service Improvement Review